We’ve been back for two weeks from our skiing vacation in France so I gotta get this post up, as it is annoying congestive.
Vacations should just blog themselves.
After taking two planes overnight from Boston, we arrived in Geneva in the midst of a small snow storm. There were some tense moments in our rental car as the highway turned treacherous; then, we’d pass into a stretch of rain and we’d relax. Then, snowy road. Then, rain. Then… snowy mountain road! We tried to ascend the unplowed uphills, then finally relented and attempted to attach chains to the tires (we got one out of two). That is when we learned a basic life wisdom: If you should ever need to attach chains to tires, the time not to learn is during a snowstorm on the side of a narrow, mountainous road with cars and trucks hurtling by you.
Arriving at our condo was big relief. We cranked up the space heaters and took a group nap.
The rest of the week was relatively uneventful. We skied, ate, drank, and spent time with Mr. P’s family. I ran a bit, and hiked, but mainly skied. No one got sick except for the 3-year old nephew. The week was over too soon.

Running/hiking up to Plan Bois with Mr. P. It looks like his leg is hyper extended but that’s his jacket, both legs are on the ground.

Little Boy’s skiing class. He got his Super Yeti medal! Notice he is the smallest member of his class (with the possible exception of the kick-ass Frenchie girl on the far right, who also got her Super Yeti.)

Little Boy with 2 of his English cousins at a chocolate chad/ vin chard brake. Hey, those are my sunglasses.