Today the Meat Fairy paid a visit to our home, leaving a potpourri of farm-fresh grass-fed goodies from Vermont in a cooler on our front porch.
Where’s the beef? Why, it’s in our freezer, along with the veal, the pork, and a 3-pound lamb shoulder roast. (I need ground pork recipes, stat.)

13 Pounds of Beef, Pork, Lamb, and Veal
Plus, 2 dozen of the most magnificent-looking eggs I’ve ever had in my refrigerator. All different sizes and shapes, with sturdy shells and beguiling individuality.

Good Eggs
It was difficult to select just one of the meats for dinner, for it seemed an excellent opportunity to try out that recipe for veal cutlets served on a bed of hamburger topped with nitrate-free bacon and garnished with a pork chop, but I decided to stew the beef chuck, which is the prettiest beef chuck I’ve ever seen.

Beef Chuck
We have exactly 1 month before the Meat Fairy returns with another trove of meat, and then another the next month, and the month after that… By the time our meat CSA ends in December, we should have more than enough meat in our freezer to give to our family and friends as Christmas presents. This year, ground veal for everyone!