I detest writing the year-end blog post, which necessitates droll effusion for the year that is ending and witty optimism for the year that is commencing. I’m at that age (31!?!) where cynicism has eroded much of the joy that I once experienced at New Years. Oh sure, I use any excuse to celebrate, to grab a champagne flute and make out with my husband at midnight, yet the sentimentality is sullied by the knowledge that time is but a human construct meant to impose structure within a society, and New Years Day is but a milestone upon this construct, and nothing really ever changes from one year to the next except I get older, people get dumber, the world gets scarier, and my regrets and the weather get more severe.
That being said, the period of time known as 2008 was a pretty good year for me. My work situation improved, with 2 stable tech writing consulting gigs and consistent 3-day weekends. I married a wonderful man and celebrated with my family in Pennsylvania, with his family in France, and by ourselves in Spain. I remain financially unscathed by the credit crisis amd I’m optimistic about my chances of soon owning a home. And for the first time in 8 years, I am hopeful for America’s future.
Now I will bring this last post of 2008 to a close. I toyed with the idea of compiling a “Top Ten” list of my favorite posts from 2008, but I’m at the point where I can’t tell if what I’m writing is even comphrehensible, let alone good. Wait until next year (she vows, again, always with the best of intentions).
So here’s to a warm fuzzy Happy New Year. And in 2009, my wish for everyone is to go after your dreams. Aim higher than you’ve ever dared before. Be creative, audacious, and, if necessary, conniving. Live for it, fight for it, and stop just short of dying for it. As Mick told Rocky, “You’re gonna eat lightning, and you’re gonna crap thunder!”

Mr. Pinault, Rocky, and Me