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Bad Reputation

While going through my web page statistics in preparation for tomorrow’s edition of Googles, I noticed an iota of traffic being directed to my website from (here), a search engine that “delves into the deep internet… in order to give people an accurate account of their online reputation.” Pipl is trying to hitch themselves onto the phenomena of Googling oneself, or ego-surfing disguised as rep-defense.

But I didn’t know all this about Pipl at the time. I simply followed the URL of the referring link and went directly to the Pipl page, pictured below:


The reputation of Cindy Fitzgibbon, morning weather woman for the local Fox News, is officially besmirched… by a previous Googles post on this very website. Honest, I wasn’t calling Cindy Fitzgibbon a whore, I was just reporting on a search engine inquiry that cryptically declared her as such. And to have it all jumbled up with jibberish about breasts and Bobby Peru, I mean, shit. Sorry Cindy.

Posted in Miscellany.

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