This time of year is known as a slow news season because everyone’s on vacation, including most of the media, and those who are left to man the newsdesks know that no one is reading newspapers or watching the news, so they report ridiculous stories like how a runaway tractor carrying potatoes “mashed” a car in Germany, how people would rather barbecue burgers with Barack Obama than with John McCain how bird experts are concerned about the decline of the piping plover along the New England coasts, or how George W. Bush wants to send more troops to fight the Taliban in Afghanistan. You know, real fluff stuff that has no or little bearing on housing foreclosures, fuel prices, major league sports, or Britney Spears’ career.
Well, me too. I’m having a slow news day. Here are some of the highlights:
1. I bike to the T today in a knee-length skirt. I highly recommend biking in skirts to any woman who feels the need to affirm her femininity.
2. In the office, I am the first person to use the Ladies Room on my floor (as evident by the blue-colored disinfectant in the toilet).
3. At 10:30am, I drink some white tea with one sugar — my favorite mid-morning “pick-me-up.”
4. I learned a new word: Colophon
5. I narrowly avoided getting drenched in an afternoon thunderstorm as I bike back home from the subway in my knee-length skirt. Feeling: Smug, even more feminine.