- Really, People magazine? Really?
Today People magazine proclaimed that Johnny Depp is the sexiest man alive (here), prompting many other people to wonder if People has seen a recent photograph of the 46-year old actor, who is reportedly hiding from America in the French countryside. Long gone is the baby face with totally cool guileless eyes that seemed to gently rout through every nook and cranny of a woman’s mind, body and soul. Let’s face it, the man’s face is becoming discernably saggy, his facial hair scraggy, and his eyes baggy.
This is Depp’s second time at the helm of living sexy men, having also won in 2003. Depp joins the pantheon of fellow double winners Brad Pitt, George Clooney and Richard Gere. (Who wants to bet that Brad Pitt will go for a third time? How about a fourth time? How about posthumously?)
People magazine touted Depp as “the king of cool with the killer cheekbones” and “Hollywood’s most irresistible iconoclast,” which confirms the aphorism that attractiveness is only half of what P/people consider when assessing male sexiness. A quick scan of other recent winners — Matt Damon, Matthew McConaughey, Ben Affleck, Pierce Brosnan — reveal intangible qualities beyond mere physicality: maturity, sophistication, integrity, a certain ruggedness. More notable is how each man was arguably past his physical prime by the time he is anointed (except Ben Affleck, who never quite reached his prime).