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That Priggish Logic that makes Suits Who They Are

Lately I’ve been fetishizing suits. There’s something intangibly interesting about people who surrender their identity, passions, and morals in the name of wealth, power, and luxury-living. Are suits made or born? I don’t know, but my new job has taken me into the epicenter of Bostonian suits, and I’m finding them simply fascinating and entirely bland.

There was a suit walking in front of me today at lunch time, talking on his Blackberry. Among suits, this guy is an Alpha: Mid-40s. Impeccably groomed and attired. Intelligent face, strong jaw, broad shoulders, and a thick head of hair. His stride was resolute yet altruistic. His only fault was his tall, wiry body, as suits typical have a belly as a sign of puissance.

I couldn’t help but to zero in on his murmuring…

“It’s the last week of summer and the weather couldn’t be better… So do I go in the office? Or do I go to the golf course?… Yeah, in the long run, it’s much better for everyone if I go to the golf course… because otherwise, I’m going to regret it.”

Posted in Massachusetts.

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