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Mounts Lafayette and Lincoln

Sunday I climbed Mount Lafayette via Little Haystack Mountain and Mount Lincoln, along with seemingly hundreds of other people (as a ranger commented to me after the hike, “I bet it was like Route 128 during rush hour up there”). It took about eight hours but I emerged full of vigor, feeling invisible.
Monday I woke up on my 29th birthday, feeling 89. My quadriceps were screaming, my shoulders were burnt rosy red, and my body was just like “What did you do?”

Sunday I climbed Mount Lafayette via Little Haystack Mountain and Mount Lincoln, along with seemingly hundreds of other people (as a ranger commented to me after the hike, “I bet it was like Route 128 during rush hour up there”). It took about eight hours but I emerged full of vigor, feeling invisible.
Monday I woke up on my 29th birthday, feeling 89. My quadriceps were screaming, my shoulders were burnt rosy red, and my body was just like “What did you do?”

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