The newspapers and weeklies run a little thin this time of year, but I’m not complaining. The only thing worse than getting depressed about Iraq, Ethiopia, and Democratic Presidential hopefuls is getting bored by holiday-themed news articles.
According to an article about Christmas in Japan, “few people know about the Christian roots of Christmas and the holiday has become a time for unbridled consumption and gluttony”. Ah, Japan, it’s like looking in a magnifying mirror sometimes.
Meanwhile, in Tel Aviv, Christmas “passes with little fanfare…life in most of Israel carries on as normal”. “Normal” is sort of relative, after all.
The Pope spoke about a need to protect Christmas against secular trends, saying that “false prophets continue to offer cheap salvation which ends up in deep delusions.” Careful, Pope! You’ve pissed off the entire Muslim world this year. Is it wise to slander Wal-Mart?
Prince William will be celebrating Christmas this year at his Army barracks, missing the royal festivities for the first time ever. The Prince must remain at the military academy to prepare for an invasion of lap-dancers with six-packs.
And we’re all dying to know how George Michael will be spending Christmas. Turns out, he’ll be with his father, watching TV and eating chocolates. Sounds they’ll have a gay old time!
It just wouldn’t be Christmas without the near-pathological efforts of a Christmas light enthusiast making headlines. This year, it’s a man in Ohio (known for a previous display featured in a beer commercial) who spent $204,000 on 80,000 lights. Who loves you, Baby Jesus?