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Feeling Great at 28

But I wanna stop right here

Yes, hard to believe another birthday looms this Sunday. As a kid, I never believed the old folks who said this milestone grows significantly insignificant with each year. Rather than feeling happy and celebratory, I am seized by a vague sense of panic. I know what Age means now: A total shift in your priorities from dessert, toys, music, and looking older, to 401K, career, preventative medicine, and holding onto the last vestiges of a youthful appearance. The only constant is an insatiable lust for birthday cake.

You think Christmas babies have it rough, sharing their glory with Jesus Christ? Try Memorial Day weekend sometime. Geesch. I’m leaving town to spend my Special Day in the wilds of Maine, sleeping in a tent and trudging through mud as black flies ravish This Aging Flesh.

Posted in Existence.

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