I was making a grocery list on a sticky note during dinner — yeah, so meta food. But we are preparing for a weekend in Vermont with Mr. P’s Canadian cousins (Canada via Germany, via France) and since we do not have to undergo an international border crossing, we are responsible for bringing the food.
“Tomatoes… cereal… coffee… yogurt… potatoes… aperitif nibblies….”
Gradually Little Boy realized that I was making a list of food that we will eventually eat. He demanded a sticky note and promptly draw a slice of pizza.
“Pizza!” Yes, Mommy, don’t forget the pizza.
We began laughing. He got mad. We try not to laugh but it’s hard, him being the absolutely cutest kid in the world and everything.
In what I’m positive was an aversion technique against finishing his green beans, he then began drawing people on the slice of pizza. This reminded me of the other day, when he asked me “Do people eat people?” Yes, I know…. enough with the nature documentaries… I told him it was “yucky” to eat other people, and “very very bad,” and he seemed to agree. Whew.