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Missed Missives

Not only do I hold the URL for my maiden name, but I also hold the coveted unadulterated “Meredith Green” Gmail address. Since it’s a common enough name, about once every two weeks I will receive emails that are not meant for me. There’s a Meredith Green in Washington DC who is the frequent recipient of church-related evites. There’s another Meredith Green around Atlanta who has an extensive network of girlfriends and colleagues who frequently flub her email address. I usually just delete these emails, for several reasons. #1: I would feel uncomfortable admitting to the sender that I read an email that wasn’t intended for me. #2: Strangely, it’s not one person who is repeatedly sending me the misdirected email, it’s many people once. And dishonorable #3: It’s sort of fun to read other people’s emails, especially when there’s no guilt involved.

Today I received a dozy of a misaddressed email. The subject, “Winter Extreme Retreat,” excited me… until I saw that item #1 to pack is a Bible. Suddenly “extreme” has a menacing tone to it. The email was apparently directed to a religious mother named Meredith Green located in Alabama (some of the CC’ed emails were for a school district in Alabama).

Hmm. I don’t think I could let my child/children go on an overnight trip with a woman with such a poor grasp of the written language. After all, grammar is my religion, and she’s obviously not a believer.

Subject: Winter Extreme Retreat

Just a reminder to have your child/children at the church on Friday no later than 4:00 p.m. Get them a snack and a drink for the ride to Troy. They will need to bring money for Saturdays ride home we will stop to get a snack and drink. We hope to be home by 7:00. If we are going to be later we will have the children call from my cell phone. They may bring there cell phone, i-pod, video games, they will need to leave them in the bus. Items to pack are Bible, a change of clothes, p.j., sleeping bag, towel and wash cloth, toiletry items, we will be sleeping on the floor in the Family Life Center. If you need to get in touch with me my cell # is 334-216-xxxx. I am very excited about our weekend together. I know the kids are going to have a great time. Thanks for letting them go.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to e-mail for call me at the church 289-xxxx.

In His Service,

Janice Holemon

Posted in Americana.

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